Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Chevrolet named new Manchester United Shirt Sponsor

 From 2014, Chevrolet will become the Manchester clubs main shirt sponsor. General Motors, who own Chevrolet, and Manchester United announced the deal on the yesterday. Chevrolet will become the 5th shirt sponsor in the clubs history.

The financial side of the partnership is undisclosed but it is to last for seven years starting in 2014.
Manchester United’s commercial director Richard Arnold, says the deal provides “long-term” brand building opportunities for the club.

He adds: “We have been partners with Chevrolet for only six weeks, but already they have produced some fantastic ideas that will benefit both the partnership and our 659 million followers around the world. They are a key partner on our current tour and I know they have enjoyed experiencing the buzz generated by our fanatical support and the sell-out crowds in South Africa, China, and Europe.”

It’s Chevrolet however, who may feel the main benefactors in the deal. Although a huge brand in America, the following in the UK is distinctly smaller and has only grown slightly in the last few years. This shirt sponsorship however could be seen as a good start to a sales growth in the UK. 

Chevrolet are already the main automotive sponsor for Manchester United after signing a 5-year deal in May this year. The American motoring company also signed a contract last week to become Liverpool FC’s main automotive sponsor.